Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The 1st went deep...2nd went to the parking lot!

So as you are reading this blog and sippin your drink... slowly sippin... steadysippin maybe??

Let me tell you about steadysippin.

Steadysippin (handle on merge) hit me up the other day on a table and mentioned he saw my coaching info on my blog and asked if we could talk. After a skype session and some chat thru IM looks like we might need to put steadysippin batting cleanup! What a day he had yesterday, and what coach isn't happy when their boys are GETTIN IT DONE!?

This is how steadysippin got down:

- 4 final tables out of 7 MTT's.
- 1 gold medal (1/326)
- 1 silver medal (2/59)
- 1 bronze medal (3/62)

AWESOME JOB MAN! Uncle Drew is proud! Smile

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